Moortown Community Group




Community Garden Fund

Moortown Community Group is working towards making Moortown Corner a pleasanter place to visit by transforming the space at the end of Allerton Grove into a small community garden. There will be new paving, planters with flowers and shrubs, seating, a notice board for local events and activities and an interpretation board.


We have secured the money required for the garden to go ahead with support from local Councillors, local funders and donations, however we still need to raise additional funds to enable maintenance of the planters and benches going forward. We would welcome donations from members of the community group, residents and workers in Moortown and anyone else with an interest in improving Moortown.


Please give what you can, you can donate by bank transfer, cheque, card or PayPal.

  • Bank transfers to "Moortown Community Group" at Barclays Bank, sort code 20-48-42 account 80664790
  • Cheques payable to "Moortown Community Group" c/o 17 Sand Hill Lane LS17 6AG
  • Please use the button below to make a donation using your card or Paypal account.
  • Should you prefer to donate by cash please contact us to arrange where to deliver it. 


Thank you for your donation. We look forward to updating you on progress with the Moortown Community Garden, please look at our website and Facebook page for news.
